Every summer is a great time for your child to come to Canada to learn English. However, this summer there will be a little more magic in the air than usual. Why is that? Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday!
In honour of the anniversary, Ottawa is organizing extra activities to celebrate our country’s history and how far we have come. Your child may have the opportunity to partake in some of these exciting 2017 festivities! In addition, your child will get to explore and celebrate Canada’s unique history through plenty of excursions and activities.
Read on to learn more about how your child can partake in celebrating 150 years of Canadian history.
1. Your Child Can Celebrate Canada’s Birthday by Seeing the Parliament Sound & Light Show
What better way to learn about Canada’s history than through a visual light show displayed on Canada’s Parliament Buildings? During evenings at English camp your child will get the opportunity to try out many different activities, including seeing the Northern Lights Sound and Light Show.
The Northern Lights show is an exciting experience. It features a video presentation about Canada’s history, which is projected directly onto the Parliament Buildings. It includes historical references to the founding of the nation, Canada’s natural beauty, and our unique and inclusive culture. Coupled with beautiful sound and music, and captivating lights, it’s the perfect opportunity for your child to discover Canada’s history right in the heart of the capital.
2. Your Child Can Experience Canadian History at English Camp by Visiting Upper Canada Village
Your child can truly appreciate Canada’s history by being transported back to 1866, just one year before Canada was officially born in 1867! At Upper Canada Village, your child will get the chance to walk the roads of rural English Canada. They will see firsthand what stores, homes, workshops, and mills were like in Canada over 150 years ago.
Not only is visiting Upper Canada Village a great opportunity to celebrate Canada’s history, it is also a fantastic way for your child to practice the skills they will gain at English language summer camp! The living history site has plenty of actors who walk around the village in costume, and who interact with visitors to educate them about Canada’s past. Your child can ask them questions about what life was like for Canadian pioneers, practicing their speaking and English comprehension in a fun and stimulating environment.
3. At English Camp, Your Child Could Attend One of These Exciting 2017 Events
While attending language camp, your child may be lucky enough to visit some of the unique 2017 attractions around Ottawa. To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, many special events and sites will be cropping up in Canada’s capital city, including:
- Inspiration Village: an art installation constructed with sea containers that will host special exhibits and performances.
- MOSAÏCANADA 150/2017: Taking place along Jacques-Cartier Park’s scenic garden pathways, this exhibit will feature over 30 living sculptures made of plants and greenery.
- La Machine: Huge mechanical moving creatures like dragons and spiders will parade through the heart of downtown Ottawa for this theatrical event.
Whether your child is fascinated with history, loves new adventures, or simply wants to enjoy a fun-filled summer abroad, they can find unforgettable activities to suit their interests as they celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.
Are you thinking an ESL summer program in Canada is right for your child?
Contact Pilgrim Summer Camp today to find out more!